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Getting a Macro View

For us earth-bound folks, it is easy to forget how big the universe truly is. The recent pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope give us a stark reminder of this fact. We need it because often we are so caught in viewing life in a micro way. We focus primarily, in effect, on the little picture of our lives and what is going on in our immediate orbit. This is not necessarily wrong. We need to be present where we are and doing God’s work.


Yet, there is a danger in seeing life through micro lenses. We can get stuck in our view of things, without the benefit of seeing what’s happening from a point further away, a point with a more accurate perspective. How many times have we looked back on our lives, to decisions we made, and wish we would have seen a different perspective and made better choices? Because we are prone to a micro view, we are very vulnerable to making mistakes in choices and assumptions.


This is true when we study the Scriptures. Often our micro view leads us to interpret them through our lenses, through our particular beliefs and attitudes. We are accustomed to doing things our way and that can easily affect our interpretation. One classic example is the use of Acts 2:41 to justify church growth strategies that typically involve building programs. So, the goal of many churches becomes numerical growth rather than spiritual depth.


With UpStream Ministries, the ministry I direct, the goal is for churches and parents to gain a macro view of what the spiritual lives of young people truly are. Most believers think things are going well with Christian young people, that they are mature and committed believers. In my decades of ministry on campus, I had a different view. With some exceptions, most Christian students arriving on campus were not prepared spiritually to be ambassadors for Christ on campus. The university campus is an underserved mission field because the Christian students are not properly trained before they arrive. Yet, most churches and parents seem satisfied with their approaches to raising kids spiritually—more and bigger children’s and youth programs. They have a micro view which is impairing the work of the Kingdom


The macro view from God’s Word is that the Church is to be about making disciples. In other words, teaching adults and young people their need for Jesus and HOW to follow him. The early church grew not because of great programs or even great preaching. It grew because people were willing to humble themselves, confess their sins, and commit to following Jesus as their hope in life. Then the Holy Spirit produced his fruit within them, fruit that was visible and attractive to unbelievers.


My prayer is that churches will step back, take off their micro lenses and exchange them for macro ones. Leaders need to see their ministries from a much broader perspective and seek the Lord on how to conform them to his will. I also pray that I will continue seeking to do this. None of us are immune from the dangers of the micro view of life.

© Jim Musser 2022 All Scripture references are from the New International Version, 2011.